BF Community Bike Project

The Bellows Falls Community Bike Project is a full service, 501c3 nonprofit community bike center in Bellows Falls, Vermont. BF Bike strives to put more bicycles on our roads while keeping salvageable bikes from the waste stream, teaching valuable repair skills and providing affordable transportation.

New sign by Frank Hawkins

BF Community Bike Project’s mission is to provide the Greater Falls community a space for all to access bicycles, learn bike repair and safe riding skills for all.

Our vision is a flourishing culture of bicycling, as a means of alternative transportation, self-sufficiency and overall wellness

Check out what’s new at BF Community Bike Project on Facebook.

Green Energy Times promotes the Bellows Falls Community Bike Project! Read article

Strolling along the Connecticut River in the Duet wheelchair bike
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Bellows Falls Community Bike Project

30 Henry Street
Bellows Falls, Vermont 05101 USA

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Open Tues-Thurs 11-4, Fri 11-4, Sat 11-3.Closed Sunday Monday.



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